martes, agosto 08, 2006

pg 16

i had gone to patiala house to get my birth certificate attested (apparently, to get residence permit in the netherlands, one has to prove one was born).

this time, the patiala house guy simply asked 'yeh kaun sa state hai' and then kept my papers and told me to come at 1.30 pm. so i took an auto to cp to while away two hours. on the dusty noisy way to cp, a cold glass of beer started looking like a wonderful option. so that's how i landed up at volga at 11.30. since the respected establishment doesn't open before 1, of which i learnt only after i landed up at its doorsteps, i loitered around at bookworm for some time, sent them to look for 'the cuckold' which was not in their stock, and then, finally bought a cheap development-type book to atone for torturing them.

and i was back at volga again sharp at 1. no, they were not open. i stood my ground like that stupid little boy on the burning ship. i ignored the amused glances that fellow-loiterers threw my way, pretending to be engrossed in the editorials of the hindu. about 15 minutes later, a guy turned up and opened the door. as i tried to run in after him, he said they needed another 15 minutes to spiff up the place, and slammed the door on my face. not dissuaded, not insulted i waited patiently and loyally.

finally, 20 minutes later - two hours later to be precise, i walked in as the 'bauni' of the day.

later in the evening, i thought about the intensity of my pursuit and was frightened. calling up aa right now.

1 comentario:

wendigo dijo...

kitni baar bola hai... ALWAYS CARRY A HIP FLASK