martes, agosto 08, 2006

in the middle of a traffic jam...

you know what sane people do when they realise that their stomach is about to require immediate scat-infratructure?

they take a u-turn from yusuf sarai, back towards aiims, go left to the safdarjung enclave road, figure out too late that they've landed into another jam, do an illegal u-turn over the divider, see another jam coalescing in front of them, lose their heads, ride onto the pavement, and get stuck when faced with a huge drum placed in between a rundown tent and a devil's tree.

then they sit down with two gamblers gambling under the tent, have a cigarette, bitch about the jam, only to have one of the gamblers stand up and move the drum out of the way, because it's empty.

somehow, the stomach quietened in all that insanity.

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