viernes, julio 21, 2006

tu nahi koi aur sahi, koi aur nahi, koi aur sahi

i had applied for some funds to do a pilot project on community-based microhydel rural electrification.

the funders responded thus
"xxxxx has a preference for supporting social organisations that are controlled by the poor and marginalized themselves, although this does not exclude the possibility of extending support to intermediary NGOs. Our sectoral policy thrust are in the areas of Human Rights and Democratisation, Gender, Women and Development, HIV/AIDS, Financial services and Enterprise Development, Sustainable Production, Culture and Arts, ICT, Media and Knowledge Sharing. In India, Hivos concentrates its supports in a limited number of states, i.e., Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharastra, Jharkand and New Delhi. In Kerala and Madhya Pradesh, we have a limited presence.

You will understand from the above, that currently we have no mandate to extend support to any organisation in Arunachal. We apologise to you for not being able to honour your request.

onto other funders now.

3 comentarios:

crazed_mellow dijo...

i knew the northeast was marginalized but i didnt know it was this bad..[ referring to this and another posting] kinda gives all the northeast liberation movements credibility on some wierd level

nemo dijo...

hey boy, you are perceptive. yeah, in a strange kind of way, it is strange.

wendigo dijo...

dodo, you gave their name away