viernes, julio 21, 2006

in the middle of the night

i'm home. it's raining. got back from dinner/seven rounds of alcohol from j's place. the khamptis have the best cuisine in the world. thank god for the girlfriends of boyfriends.

almost killed myself on my way back home as i skidded over a rock. i'm glad i'm alive and i don't have to explain my accidental death to parents. drinking and driving is not safe practice. even with a helmet on. dear goddess, i'm grateful for my incredible luck and the wonderful girls around me.

goodnight godbless.

3 comentarios:

crazed_mellow dijo...

i am drunk too ..tried to come up wiht a drunk poem too but nothing in my head..

poetry is a evil curse .. it stays in uir head and dosent come out till it wants.. bitch

wendigo dijo...

you wrote this drunk didntcha nemo?

nemo dijo...

hic! of course not. how dare you hic! say that!