viernes, noviembre 14, 2008

a letter


It was good to get a long and honest mail from you. here's what I've been thinking since I read it. this is me being wise and saving you regret for the second time. The first time was when I refused to split a bike with you. Thank me when we meet again.

I respect your priorities and I like you all the more for it, in a perverse way. I suppose if I were in your shoes, I'd choose similarly. Happily for me, I am not in your shoes, and I don't have to put my private life on the backburner. And even if I tried, I won't be able to because loose ends drive me crazy and then all that craziness spills out into the rest of my life.

I know from experience that one's priorities in life tend not to change much. I am not exactly sure what my priorities are but I have a hunch that my priorities couldn't live with your priorities. There isn't much point for me to wait months to find this out all over again. Besides, the only thing we have in common is this town, and I don't know for how long that will be. Most likely, our geographical coordinates will rarely coincide. So that's another good reason to cut one's losses unless one is into virtual relationships. I'm not.

You are right about the fact that you don't have much to offer. So I am not taking it. (Maybe I don't have much to offer too but that's your call). Let's chalk it down to experience and agree to meet for the occasional coffee if I'm still here and you are in town. I have this thing I say about books – you could lay your hands on the nicest book ever but not enjoy it just because it was the wrong time in life. I never did like Wuthering Heights too much; I read it at a point when I didn't understand why all stories couldn't have happy endings.

So all the best and may you find your happy ending and i, mine. Take care.

viernes, enero 18, 2008

the number of morons driving on the itanagar roads have doubled in the past 15 months.

i am wondering how come they haven't managed to mow down each one among them yet.

miércoles, noviembre 21, 2007

you know you are indian...

when you associate travel destinations with movie songs.

i have a loooong playlist looping in my head right now.

jueves, noviembre 08, 2007

an affair to remember

actually i am glad i am leaving before my relationship with this town breaks down over the bitter cold.

better incomplete than broken. and eight frostbitten stumps.

domingo, octubre 28, 2007

done your years in a K.V.?

more simpoo

one of the rare celebrity endorsements for PETA that doesn't involve nudity.

sábado, octubre 27, 2007

once upon a time on a channel called V

dwelled a sardar, who multi-tasked in a Kendriya V.
button nose, scraggly mush, some squiggles for a beard,
simpoo was his name, but he claimed his fame as sondhi zee.

outside the window is a grey day over a grey church spire

हलकी सी धुंध है बाहर
तीखी सी ठंड है बाहर
धूप उगाने जाना था मुझे
पर बहुत दूर आज है सागर

i would be rather writing crap poetry than reading about theories on vulnerability.

viernes, octubre 26, 2007


she woke up groggy and fumbled for her phone to check the time. it was late in the morning .

"you should have woken me up."

he said "it's okay," and held her close. he added after a pause, "staying awake in bed like this is called ausnopfazn in german."

awake for a moment, she replied, "in english, it's called lie-in."

here we go again

certain patterns in life just don't go away, even after we have uncovered them and would rather unravel them and knit a new story.

if you have fallen in love with a mirage before, chances are you will again.

the girl who loved spice

apart from my m.a. degree, this year has given me my love for cooking (and a non-defensive acceptance of domesticity but i am not ready to come out yet).

so, cooking... i will probably never be a great cook. but that's the other thing. i no longer care about greatness.