lunes, septiembre 25, 2006

from the empirical evidence, it appears that our existence is marked by love - i am in love, i am not in love, i am out of love, i want to be in love, and the saddest of all, please love me.

i need to run a regression on this.

sábado, septiembre 23, 2006

have i tolja this one before?

what do you call a horny man?

homo erectus obviously.

jueves, septiembre 14, 2006

i finally deleted the mails from the traveler. as always, it was just a piece of my imagination. inbox cleared, mind released.

there is nothing better for closure than one simple act of pushing the 'delete' button.

works all the time. sort of.

lunes, septiembre 11, 2006

mellow pee

a few nights ago, i was lying in bed wide awake. as is the wont of the most obvious thoughts, it struck me that i'm a language orphan. i do not say it with melancholy. just to record the fact.

i was torn away from my mothertongue when i stepped into pre-primary school. instead, i learnt english and hindi. we sang 'a-b-c-d-e-f-g' and threw in an 'el-lem-mellow-pee'for good measure. by the time i was ten or eleven, i could write adequate english (like enid blyton, i must confess) but now i wanted to speak it as well. that's how, even the little remnants of the mothertongue left within the domain of the home was exiled.

now consequently, my self-expression is deficient in all the three languages. i am what you may call... uhm... a boat without moorings on the sea of babel.

besides, i have problems with mixed metaphors too.


by the way, the setting has shifted to europe for the next fifteen months.