sábado, julio 01, 2006

...i'm getting married!!

since my cousin has been formally spoken for as of thursday, i have leapt from peripheral vision right into the center of the family frying pan. ignored - my 1) lack of a boyfriend, 2) lack of a suitable match (no, doctors aren't marriage material), 3) lack of any immediate interest, 4) lack of career and 5) my take on arranged marriage.

so i've hammered out a compromise. i've set the wedding date. love match or arranged, it's going to be on the 12th of december, 2012.

gives me 5 years to look for love, failing which, family gets one year to look for a suitable boy.

4 comentarios:

wendigo dijo...

copycat! i must have told you about the maternal deadline. has been set back though, from 2008 to 2010. mom's visit served the purpose of awakening her to the lack of marriage possibilities in my life, in all sorts of ways.

nemo dijo...

sorry to break your heart, but i was 'inspired' by the movie omen or rather the hype around its release... 06.06.06... i kicked myself for not having thought of it before them. so i took the second-best thing. check out my date hon.



you could opt for the 10th of october, 2010. then you get 10.10.10.

barilski dijo...
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Anónimo dijo...

it's definitely a good idea... maybe i'll take it up as well... :)