martes, junio 13, 2006

of the seven sins...

anger is my favourite sin.

i have a strictly measured scale of ethics - of black and white, right and wrong, yes and no. and i have calibrated my responses accordingly - righteous indignation, outraged modesty, hurt, abandonment. and all translate into anger.

i feel anger as i feel nothing else. my skin prickles. my digits tingle. my scalp crawls. a bubble of white heat rises from deep within my innards. it travels past my lungs, past my heart, sneaks up my throat, up into my cranium and it explodes there into a million hurtful words and violent tears. Its red tide washes over my being, alienating me in my own body.

i have never been reckless in love. but in anger i have touched the jagged edges of my insanity.

2 comentarios:

Ink Spill dijo...

Mine's sloth, so I'll keep this comment short.

nemo dijo...

yo babe, sloth is my favorite animal name. dontcha love the way the word slides over the tongue?