domingo, mayo 28, 2006

As I was saying, Mr. BoNacci…

fibonacci’s numbers – 0,1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on – enchanting as they are in themselves, they are also the secret ingredients of another magical being - a perfect spiral.

in the maori weltanschauung (there, I finally got that word out of my system), the tender curl of the koru, the black fern, is a symbol of life, of beginnings and continuity. to the first people of mexico, the caracole - the spiralled shell of the snail - provides passage to the divine breath that gives life and consciousness.

spirals are alluring. in themselves, they are complete, yet they hold out the promise of forever growth. they may not possess the simple symmetry of a circle or a square, but they are not boring and predictable. unlike the hyperbolic paraboloids, they don't have to work hard at being twisted. they just are.

one end rooted in nothingness, and another swelling towards eternity. they encircle and embrace.

if i were to be reborn as a character of geometry, i would want to be a spiral.

2 comentarios:

crazed_mellow dijo...

hey nice stuff .. do u study history

i actually sat down to write cause i hav been delaying it forever but got sucked into your blog

nemo dijo...

hey crazed_mellow, much thanks. ya, i study history like i study everything else.

dropped in at your blog. you should definitely be writing more. exams or what?

also check out this loon.. dynamite.